Each year prior to the adoption of the school calendar, a committee comprised of employees appointed by the Vermilion Association of Educators (VAE), including a twelve-month employee, and one supervisor appointed by the Superintendent, shall meet and submit a school calendar to the School Board for approval. If a change in the school calendar becomes necessary, the above committee shall meet and present its findings to the School Board.
The calendar shall set forth the days that schools shall be in session, holidays, and vacation periods, in-service days, and days marking the beginning and end of reporting periods at elementary and secondary levels.
A school calendar showing working days for the administrative, secretarial, maintenance and custodial personnel, including personnel employed on a 12 month basis or otherwise, may also be presented for approval by the School Board.
Adopted: June 18, 2015
Ref: La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยง17:154
Louisiana Handbook for School Administrators, Bulletin 741, Louisiana Department of Education
Board minutes, 6-18-15