For the purpose of enhancing teamwork among members of the School Board and between the School Board and the administration, the members of the Vermilion Parish School Board, do hereby publicly commit ourselves and individually to the following operating protocol:


  1. Surprises to the School Board or the Superintendent will be the exception, not the rule.  There should be no surprises at a School Board meeting.  We agree to ask the School Board chair or the Superintendent to place an item on the agenda instead of bringing it up unexpectedly at the meeting.

  2. Communications between staff and the School Board are encouraged.  However, School Board requests that will likely require considerable time or have political implications are to be directed to the School Board chair and/or Superintendent.  All personnel complaints and criticisms received by the School Board or its individual members will be directed to the Superintendent.

  3. The last stop, not the first, will be the School Board.  We agree to follow the chain of command and insist that others do so.  While the School Board is eager to listen to its constituents and staff, each inquiry is to be referred to the person who can properly and expeditiously address the issue.

  4. As a parent, a School Board member retains the right to express his/her own personal opinions in verbal and/or written form.

  5. A School Board member will not “solicit an issue,” become a “ball carrier” for others or work around administrative employees and will encourage others to present their own issues, problems, or proposals in a constructive manner.

  6. The School Board will emphasize planning, policy-making and public relations rather than becoming involved in the management of the schools.

  7. The School Board will address its behavior by yearly self-evaluation and by addressing itself to any individual problems, such as poor meeting attendance or leaks of confidential information.

  8. The School Board will set clear goals for itself and the Superintendent.  The School Board and Superintendent will set clear goals for the Vermilion Parish School System.

  9. The Superintendent is the chief executive officer and should recommend/ propose/suggest on most matters before the School Board.

  10. Individual School Board members do not have authority.  Only the School Board as a whole has authority.  We agree that an individual School Board member will not take unilateral action. The School Board chair will communicate the position(s) of the School Board on controversial issues.

  11. Conduct at a School Board meeting is very important.  We agree to avoid words and actions that create a negative impression on an individual, the School Board, or the district.  While we encourage debate and differing points of view, we will do it with care and respect to avoid an escalation of negative impressions or incidents.  Individual members may disagree with a School Board action, but will support the decision of the School Board as a whole.

  12. To be efficient and effective, long School Board meetings must be avoided.  Points are to be made in as few words as possible; speeches at School Board meetings will be minimal.  If a School Board member believes he/she doesn’t have enough information or has questions, either the Superintendent or the School Board chair is to be called before the meeting;

  13. School Board meetings are for decision-making, action and votes, not endless discussion.  We agree to “move the question” when discussion is repetitive;

  14. The School Board will not play to the audience.  We agree to speak to the issues on the agenda and attend to our fellow board members.  Facts and information needed from the administration will be referred to the Superintendent;

  15. The School Board will represent the needs and interests of all children in the Vermilion Parish School System.


Adopted:  June 18, 2015



Ref:    Board minutes, 6-18-15


Vermilion Parish School Board