Cf:  GBI





The Vermilion Parish School Board recognizes that a program of professional development and education is important for the constant professional growth and improvement of an employee.  Therefore, professional personnel shall be encouraged to keep up with new developments and take part in development opportunities in their academic fields and to cultivate an open mind and an experimental attitude toward current educational practices.


The overall direction for the professional growth and development of employees is the responsibility of the Superintendent.  The Coordinating Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction has the more specific responsibility for maintaining a program of professional growth with the assistance of supervisors, principals, and teachers.  Opportunities for staff development include the following:


  1. Supervisors’ Professional Development Planning Committee

    The Supervisors’ Professional Development Planning Committee is composed of central office personnel.  This group should meet regularly to encourage growth and leadership while working on current educational issues.  This group may use data collected from school visitations and test results to plan for staff development. 

  2. Principals’ Professional Development Planning Committee

    This group is made up of predominantly principals and certain members of the central office staff.  At times, assistant principals and school counselors and other school personnel are invited.  The main objective is to continue to grow professionally in order to provide for continuity throughout the system. 

  3. Faculty Professional Development Planning Committee

    The ultimate goal of a program of staff development for teachers is to improve the quality of instruction in the classroom.


  1. Teachers, principals, and staff personnel are expected to foster their professional development and growth through periodic participation in college courses, workshops, and conferences.

  2. Non-degree teachers and teachers teaching in areas for which they lack certification must earn at least six (6) credit hours per year toward degree or certification in order to be considered for reappointment the following school term.

  3. Periodic faculty meetings are essential for the efficient administration of a school.  The number, meeting time, and nature of faculty meetings shall be determined by each principal and his/her faculty.

  4. Faculty planning committees are for the purpose of giving concentrated effort to a particular aspect of the school program.  Topics for consideration are selected cooperatively and regular meeting dates are established. 


  1. Conferences

    Conferences are held during the school session and summer months.  These conferences are sponsored by a number of agencies including the local school system and the Louisiana Department of Education.

  2. General Teachers’ Meeting

    General teachers’ meetings are held on the basis of need at the request of the Superintendent and his/her staff.

  3. Orientation of New Teachers

    During pre-planning, principals should devote some time to instructing new teachers concerning policies of the school system.  The supervisors and principals arrange for new teachers to observe in other schools if it is so desired.

  4. Inter-School Visitation

    Arrangements for inter-school visitation are made when it is deemed advisable by the principal and the Coordinating Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction.

  5. Professional Library

    Professional books, pamphlets, films are needed for effective staff development.  Each school is encouraged to have a professional library.

  6. Consultant Services

    For effective staff development, there is a need for consultant services from the Louisiana Department of Education, local colleges and universities, and by specialists from other institutions.

  7. Professional Organizations – National, State, and Local

    Administrators and teachers are encouraged to become members of professional organizations.


Adopted:  December 17, 2015



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §17:24.1, 17:3885

Board minutes, 1-18-01, 12-17-15


Vermilion Parish School Board