An outstanding educational program in any school system is dependent upon the employment and retention of the best qualified personnel.  This can best be accomplished by giving careful consideration to qualifications, and by providing attractive salary schedules, good working conditions, and adequate facilities.


The school board subscribes to the Code of Ethics of the Louisiana School Boards Association which contains several principles on the employment of personnel.


By law, the local school Superintendent shall have authority to appoint all personnel.


The School Board is an equal opportunity employer.  The local school Superintendent willensure that all personnel selections are made on the basis of qualifications only and without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, creed, age, or sex.  The local school superintendent shall see that the provisions of the state school law are complied with.


The process of personnel selection and promotion must be free from pressures considered detrimental to the best conduct to the public school system; therefore:  (a) selection or promotion shall be based upon performance, effectiveness, and qualifications as applicable to each specific position and (b) applicant is not to resort to the use of political, social or other pressures to gain employment of promotion.




The school board has designated the Assistant Superintendent in charge of personnel who shall accept all applications for positions within the school system.  When a vacancy occurs, the Assistant Superintendent shall randomly select a screening committee to interview applicants and make recommendations.  The screening committee shall recommend to the local school superintendent one of the top three applicants along with the applications and other relevant information, for his review.  It shall be the responsibility of the superintendent to ensure that all persons have proper certification, as applicable, and are qualified for the position.


Prior to making any decisions regarding the hiring or placement of a principal, the local Superintendent shall consult with teacher representatives (PBIS/School Improvement Committee, Department Heads, or grade level representatives) from the school.




The interview committee shall consist of the following members:



Each school will be asked to submit a minority representative chosen by the faculty to be placed in a pool to be chosen at random to serve on the screening committee.




The following objective criteria shall be used in determining the qualifications of applicants for administrative positions in Vermilion Parish:


  1. Professional Certification

    Certification as described in the Louisiana State Department of Education Bulletin No. 746.  (No. 741 until September 1, 1975)


Educational Leadership Certificate

13 points

Certified plus Master’s Degree

15 points

Certified plus Master’s Degree plus 30 graduate hours

16 points

Certified plus Ed. Specialist Degree

18 points

Certified plus Doctor’s Degree

20 points


  1. Years of Experience

    Year must be completed before credited (example:  must completely finish the sixth year before assigned year six)


  1. Total Years


1 – 5 years

1 point

6 – 10 years

2 points

11 – 15 years

3 points

16 – 20 years

4 points

21 – 25 years

5 points


  1. Seniority in the Parish


1 – 5 years

1 point

6 – 10 years

2 points

11 – 15 years

3 points


  1. Years in Administration

    Assistant Principal


1 – 2 years

1 point

3 – 4 years

2 points

5 – 6 years

3 points

7 – 8 years

4 points

9 – 10 years

5 points




1 – 5 years

1 point

6 – 10 years

2 points

11 – 15 years

3 points

16 – 20 years

4 points

21 – 25 years

5 points


  1. Suitability:  1-3 points


  1. Principal and supervisor interviews:  Given by the Superintendent

  2. Assistant principal interviews:  Given by the Superintendent in collaboration with the school principal


  1.   A.  Personal Interview (Maximum – 25 points)

    Highest and lowest scores will be dropped.


  1. Applicant’s Written Communication Ability (Maximum – 10 points)

    Graded anonymously based on rubric.


Adopted:  August 1, 1991 Revised:  March 19, 2009
Revised:  June 17, 1999 Revised:  July 18, 2012
Reviewed:  January 14, 2002 Revised:  February 12, 2015
Revised:  May 4, 2006 Revised:  November 19, 2020



Ref:    Board minutes, 8-1-91, 6-17-99, 1-14-02, 5-4-06, 5-19-09, 7-18-12, 2-12-15, 11-19-20


Vermilion Parish School Board