The Vermilion Parish School Board shall regulate the administration of medications during school hours by means of the policy which follows:
Medication as defined by Webster’s dictionary is 1) substance or preparation used in treating disease 2) substance (as a drug or potion) used to treat something other than disease.
Oral school medication orders shall be limited to medications which cannot be administered before or after school hours. Medication will be administered during a time period established by the school at midday. No medication will be administered at any other time unless there are special circumstances which are approved by the school nurse.
Except in life threatening situations, trained unlicensed school employees may not administer injectable medications.
Other routes of medication administration such as transdermal, topical, nasal, or rectal may be required in extenuating circumstances. These medications may be administered by trained unlicensed school personnel as delegated by the school registered nurse.
New protocols are to be developed as deemed necessary by the school registered nurse.
All medications shall be stored in a secured, locked area or locked drawer with limited access except by authorized personnel.
Medication which may be administered by properly trained school employees:
Medication to modify behavior [e.g. Ritalin Methylphenidate (generic Ritalin)].
Seizure medication
Asthma medication
Allergic reaction medication
There will be extenuating circumstances requiring medication not listed in the above categories. A determination on the administration of medication not listed above will be made by the school nurse after reviewing medical documentation (e.g. Tylenol, aspirin for migraine headaches).
Antibiotic and other short-term medication will not be given at school.
Herbal or all-natural OTC substances used to treat something other than disease will not be given at school.
Other routes of medication administered such as eye drops, ear drops, or nasal spray will not be administered by school personnel. Unless to be used as emergency rescue medication.
All aerosol medications shall be delivered to the school in premeasured dosage.
No more than a thirty-five (35) - school day supply of medication shall be kept at school.
Each student shall be observed by a school employee for a period of forty-five (45) minutes following the administration of medication. This observation may occur during instruction time.
During the period when the medication is administered, the person administering medication shall be relieved of all other duties.
Self-medication will be allowed under certain circumstances as determined by the school nurse. Examples:
Asthma inhaler
Emergency allergy medication (Epi Pen)
Diabetic medication
Ear drops, eye drops, nasal spray
Medication shall not be administered to any student without a completed Medication Order from a physician or dentist licensed to practice medicine in the state of Louisiana or any other state of the United States, or any other authorized prescriber authorized in the state of Louisiana or any other state of the United States to prescribe medication or devices, and a letter of request and authorization from the student's parent or guardian.
Prescription/Non-Prescription medication shall be provided to the school by the parent/guardian in the container that meets acceptable pharmaceutical standards and shall include the following information:
Name of pharmacy
Address and telephone number of pharmacy
Prescription number/manufacture’s lot or batch number
Date dispensed
Name of student
Clear directions for use, including the route, frequency, and other as indicated
Drug name and strength
Last name and initial of pharmacist
Cautionary auxiliary labels, if applicable
Physician/dentist’s name
The principal in conjunction with the school nurse, shall designate at least two (2) employees to receive training for administering medications in each school.
The classroom teacher who is not otherwise previously contractually required shall not be assigned to administer medications to students. A teacher may request in writing to volunteer to administer medications to his/her own students.
The school nurse in collaboration with the principal, shall supervise the implementation of the school policies for the administration of medications in schools to ensure the safety, health, and welfare of the students.
The school nurse shall be responsible for the training of unlicensed school personnel who have been designated by each principal to administer medications in each school. The training shall be at least six hours and include, but not be limited to, the following provisions:
Proper procedures for administration of medications including controlled substances
Storage and disposal of medications
Appropriate and correct record keeping
Appropriate actions when unusual circumstances or medication reactions occur
The school employed registered nurse shall assess the health status of the specific child in his/her specific education setting to determine that the administration of the medication can be safely performed by and delegated to unlicensed trained personnel.
According to the Louisiana State Board of Nursing, unlicensed trained school personnel are administering medication under the registered nurses license. The registered nurse retains the accountability and liability of the student who receives medication during the school day.
The parent/guardian who wishes medication administered to his/her student shall complete the necessary paperwork with the school employed registered nurse.
Written orders are needed for all medications to be given at school, including annual renewals at the beginning of the school year and whenever there is a change in directions for administration of the medication.
Arrangements for the safe delivery of the medication by a responsible adult to and from school in the original labeled container as dispensed by the pharmacist. No student is allowed to transport medication.
Administration of nebulizer treatments require nursing judgment and observation; therefore, nebulizer treatments will not be administered by school personnel. A parent or guardian may come to administer the treatment to their child.
The initial dose of a newly prescribed medication shall be administered by the student’s parent/guardian outside the school jurisdiction within no less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to student's appearance at school.
The parent/guardian shall also work with those personnel designated to administer medication as follows:
Cooperate in counting the medication with the designated school personnel who receives it and sign the medication log.
Cooperate with school staff to provide for safe, appropriate administration of medications to students, such as positioning and suggestions for liquids or foods to be given with the medication. The parent or guardian will be responsible for providing liquids or foods as needed.
Assist in the development of the Medication Administration/ Emergency plan for each student.
Grant permission for school nurse/physician consultation and communication and for school personnel to call the physician during an emergency involving the student.
Remove or give permission to destroy unused, contaminated, discontinued or out-of-date medications. No medication is to be left at school over the summer vacation and will be destroyed one week following the last day of school.
Only medication prescribed by a licensed Louisiana or bordering state physician or dentist will be accepted.
The parent may come to school to administer the medication.
The parent may make arrangements with a member of his/her own family to administer the medication at school.
An employee shall have the right to request another School Board employee to be present while he/she is administering medication to a student in order to serve as a witness.
Individuals who are required to administer medication and have been trained according to the provisions of this section may not decline to perform such service at the time indicated except as exempted for reasons as noted in writing by the licensed medical physician or the registered nurse. The reasons for such exemptions shall be documented and certified by the licensed medical physicians or the registered nurse within seventy-two (72) hours of the request for the exemption.
Unlicensed trained employees will not be routinely scheduled to accompany students on field trips. However, if an unlicensed trained employee is in attendance on the field trip, he/she may administer medications to students. Medications administered during field trips require all of the conditions and documentation that any other medication administered at school requires.
For field trips which occur in the absence of an unlicensed trained employee the parent may meet the group at a specific location and administer the medication, or the parent may decide to have the student skip that dose of medication.
In the event of a medication error, a medication incident report will be completed.
He/She is to immediately notify the principal and school nurse
The principal and school nurse will notify the parent.
In the event of a needle stick incident, the Department of Health and Hospitals policy will be followed.
The employee involved is to immediately notify the principal and school nurse.
The School Board shall allow a supply of auto-injectable epinephrine, as defined above, to be maintained in a secure location in each classroom assigned to a student who is deemed by his/her physician to be at high risk for anaphylactic reaction and incapable of self-administration of auto-injectable epinephrine.
The student's parent or other legal guardian shall annually provide the school in which the student is enrolled with all of the following:
The supply of auto-injectable epinephrine to be kept in each classroom.
Written authorization for the student to be administered the medication.
Written certification from the student's licensed medical physician or other authorized prescriber that the student is at high risk of having anaphylaxis and is not capable of self-administration of auto-injectable epinephrine.
A written treatment plan, as defined above from the student's licensed medical physician or other authorized prescriber for managing anaphylactic episodes.
The required documentation required shall be kept on file in the office of the school nurse or other designated school official.
The teacher in each classroom where auto-injectable epinephrine is stored shall be provided information regarding accessing and administering auto-injectable epinephrine, the signs and symptoms of anaphylactic reactions and specific information regarding condition, care, and treatment of the student assigned to the classroom who is at high risk of anaphylactic reaction.
The School Board shall inform the parent or other legal guardian of the student in writing that the school and its employees shall incur no liability as a result of any injury sustained by the student from the good faith administration of auto-injectable epinephrine. The parent or other legal guardian of the student shall sign a statement acknowledging that the school shall incur no liability and that the parent or other legal guardian shall indemnify and hold harmless the school and its employees against any claims that may arise relating to the good faith administration of auto-injectable epinephrine.
This information shall be included in the student handbook of each school and posted on each school’s website. Such policy shall also be disclosed to any parent or other legal guardian who notifies the school in which the student is enrolled, in writing, that the student has a condition which puts him at risk of anaphylaxis.
The school nurse shall have the authority to maintain a supply of naloxone or other opioid antagonists per La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §17:436.1(M). The school nurse or trained school personnel may administer naloxone or other opioid antagonists to any student or other person on school grounds in the event of an actual or perceived opioid emergency.
Trained school personnel means a school employee or volunteer who has received the training on life-saving medication that addresses techniques on how to recognize signs of a life-threatening emergency, standards and procedures for the storage and administration of the medication, and emergency follow-up procedures, including the requirement to summon emergency services either immediately before or immediately after administering the medication.
All student information shall be kept confidential.
Adopted: September 15, 2016 | Revised: November 17, 2022 |
Revised: August 17, 2017 | Revised: November 16, 2023 |
Revised: May 19, 2021 | Revised: September 19, 2024 |
Ref: La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:81, 17:436.1, 17:436.3
Health and Safety, Bulletin 135, Louisiana Department of Education
Board minutes, 8-5-93, 5-17-95, 6-7-07, 5-22-14, 9-15-16, 8-17-17, 5-19-21, 11-17-22, 11-16-23, 9-19-24
Vermilion Parish School Board